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Why order off the menu?

Let CDT customize an innovative leasing solution tailored to your unique business goals.

CDT provides a full cadre of cost effective and flexible lease options from which to choose in customizing your proprietary lease program.

As an independent lessor, CDT leases all types of equipment from leading manufacturers, ranging from FF & E (Furniture, Fixtures and Electric), fitness equipment to technology.

CDT’s clients benefit from an objective unbiased leasing partner so they are free to choose the best products to meet their needs without vendor preference. This eliminates any potential conflict of interest and ensures our customer’s interests are protected.

Giving clients highly flexible business solutions enables them to react to unforeseen market changes.

CDT’s leases easily accommodate additions for mid lease expansion and growth opportunities as well as refinancing options for restructuring and consolidation during market downturns.

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Capital lease lines and fixed rate loans that do not float to benchmarks from time of funding provide an additional source of capital without mandatory draw-downs.

Ideal for equipment that needs to be refreshed to avoid technology obsolescence. Customers have the option to return equipment, replace equipment, extend the lease or purchase the equipment for fair market value. Operating leases can be attractive as they may allow customers to expense rents instead of capitalizing them. FASB guidelines are changing and clients are encouraged to consult their tax advisors to ensure compliance.

Ownership transfers at the end of term for either $1 or a balloon payment. This structure benefits clients who want to own assets for long periods of time while still spreading the cost over multiple budget periods and preserving cash. Rent payments are tailored to meet budget requirements by adjusting the balloon.

This structure allows businesses that anticipate future revenue growth to ease into the lease commitment with six month or annual step up payments thereby matching equipment expenses with revenue growth.

Customers often regret having purchased equipment instead of having leased it. CDT can purchase the equipment from our client’s and lease it back to them. This affords customers all the benefits of leasing as if the asset had not been purchased outright initially.